The World Will Save Art

Rivers and streams. Of thoughts like holes in the tar seal and the unpredictable swerves as we drive around the bend. How do they manage to spend millions of NZDs making useless yet awkwardly creative advertising undermining misdemeanours by fooling and driving fear into the eyeballs of onlookers, interfering with concepts of controlled confidence and ridiculing karmic capabilities of humans at the steering wheel? Stirring the wheels of samsara nirvana and disturbing the driving bardos with ridiculous uncool  interrupted ideas. Make my mazeratti go down to 100 on the dot wtf? When death walks in, thats the cheapest creative trick in the book to burn out creative car driving, dampen the wild free horsepower dreaming. The art of letting your hair down and having a ball. Why do they never make ads in europe about blasting down the autobahns on the inside lane at 230kmh?

No destination. The art of zen the way is the goal. The art of speed and efficiency will save the high end car design world. The art of driving downtown 30kmh will save somebody’s world. The art of speeding will save the speeding ticket world.

Who Feels it Knows It

The art of exciting experiences. The art of saving the world of hitchhikers where you stand at the ausfahrt watching cars drive past mega ultra super fast. Who feels it knows it. Don’t need to advertise it. Hohepas birthday wish when he turns 83 dreaming of driving a red ferrari crazy fast on the autobahn.

The Art of Riding The Breeze

When ocean warriors race the billion dollar Hauraki waves, the art of sailing saves our fun worlds, the legit art of breaking windspeeds, the cool art of breezing without tying knots, celebrating epic creativity by saving the movies photos and memories of the art of sailing will save the Americas Cup world. Whenever. Forever. The world will defintely save art. For at least until 10:10.

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